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The Gas Station is perfect for imaginative play. Children will be able to use this gas station to aid in games that relate to cars.
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Help to make special needs children feel comfortable at your play area. You can use this sign to welcome the children to the trike town in an effort to show that it is accessible. You can also use one along the trike path to introduce the concept of handicapped parking along the track.
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The Ice Cream Stand is perfect for imaginative play. Children will love stopping for a treat at the Ice Cream Stand.
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The One Way Sign will inspire creative fun while teaching children to look for and recognize important signs.
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Add a little order to your trike town by putting in a Police Station. The Police Station can help teach children about rules and law enforcement.
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The Snack Shop is perfect for imaginative play. Children will be able to use the Snack Shop to aid in games that relate to restaurants.
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Proper safety around the trike town is vital to ensure the safety of the kids. This speed limit will serve as a reminder that going faster is not always better and that the children have to watch out for each other.
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No trike town is complete without a stop sign. It is a good sign to put near the exit of the track to remind children to stop and wait for an adult. You can also place it anywhere around the trike town where you want to remind children to stop and take notice of what is going on around them.
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Every good driver needs to know the basic rules of the road, so when you add this yield sign to your play area?s trike town, you are giving the kids a basic foundation of following simple traffic rules.
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